Photograph of the ingredients to make laboraid: magnesium, honey, Himalayan sea salt, lemon, and calcium.

Laboraid Recipe

Labor is like running a marathon. Marathon organizers provide electrolyte drinks every few miles. You will need the same during your labor. Coconut water is a great natural alternative to gatorade. I actually recommend that you have a few flavors of electrolyte replacing drinks available. Sometimes after vomiting in labor you cannot imagine drinking that same flavor again. And it is nice to have variety. Laboraid is a natural electrolyte replacing drink that you can make yourself. You can even make it in advance and freeze it for the big day.


  1. 1/3 cup lemon juice (you could also use oranges)
  2. 1/3 cup honey (local is great if you have it)
  3. 1/4 teaspoon Himalayan sea salt (this has more minerals than table salt)
  4. 2 tablets Ca/Mag crushed
  5. 4 cups water
If you choose to make this in advance and freeze for when you are in labor you can make it without all of the water. This will save your freezer space for all of those yummy meals you are preparing for you to have a relaxing postpartum time. You can even freeze them in ice cube trays and then transfer them into a ziplock bag. This makes it easy to grab a couple, hydrate with some warm water, and have a glass ready to go quickly. 

On a hot day this is delicious over ice. And on a cold night it is yummy warm.